It's been almost a month since I updated my blog.Was it I was busy creating that perfect spring collection- alas no such luck just surviving this oh so long winter!!!! .I have sat in Greenwich market with enough clothes to outfit a small country. Its cold It's soo cold and apparently it's going to be wet this week-end too and it's the London marathon where people desert Greenwich after 11 o,clock!!! Please come and support this humble Jewellery designer and buy a gorgeous necklace and cheer yourself and me up . Introduce yourself and I'll give you 10% off !! NOW there's an offer you can't refuse So your itinerary __
cup of coffee(organic cafe)
Necklace (alipaton jewellery 10% discount)
Biscuits or sushi to go ( Greenwich market food court)
Walk in Greenwich park
Back home for late lunch
Speak soon! Ali x