Monday, 13 October 2008

Back !!

Well seems I have missed the summer! I am back.Greenwich market is still here --just-- and christmas is fast approaching.I have loads of new designs as of last week. I'm working hard no more relaxing time to work!!Watch this space ha ha love ali x

Sunday, 11 May 2008


Summer at last!Don't you just love it!! My hibernation is finally over I have rose from the dead!! In plain terms I got my arms and legs out to the world --well nearly.So Grenwich arts and crafts market is heaving,hot and sweaty! Come and join in .I'd love to meet you and I'd love you to see my new designs--next week-end for sure.

Thursday, 10 April 2008


It's been almost a month since I updated my blog.Was it I was busy creating that perfect spring collection- alas no such luck just surviving this oh so long winter!!!! .I have sat in Greenwich market with enough clothes to outfit a small country. Its cold It's soo cold and apparently it's going to be wet this week-end too and it's the London marathon where people desert Greenwich after 11 o,clock!!! Please come and support this humble Jewellery designer and buy a gorgeous necklace and cheer yourself and me up . Introduce yourself and I'll give you 10% off !! NOW there's an offer you can't refuse So your itinerary __
cup of coffee(organic cafe)
Necklace (alipaton jewellery 10% discount)
Biscuits or sushi to go ( Greenwich market food court)
Walk in Greenwich park
Back home for late lunch
Speak soon! Ali x

Monday, 17 March 2008

Spring time!!

Spring is in the air and I'm freezing my butt off!This weekend at Greenwich Art's and Crafts market was so cold there were no punters .Can't say I blame you .The thought of a boozy Sunday lunch followed by good Sunday afternoon movie on the settee sounds infinitely more pleasurable than damp meander around a bleak market .I'm really selling it but come this Saturday the sun will shine and a beautiful necklace around your long slender neck would be just the thing for an Easter Sunday.Failing this it will something to aspire to for hot balmy summer night-can't wait!

Thursday, 28 February 2008

That Telephone!!

In my workshop today and the phone has not stopped ringing!!I work from home on the second floor the phone is on the first floor! In between making a chunky turquoise necklace I'm racing downstairs to answer the phone.Today I have been agony aunt to a distraught friend and have befriended a market researcher who valued my opinions on the Birmingham trade fair! How sad is my life! Not really it can be solitary but I wouldn't have it any other way--besides it's good exercise. I'll show you the necklace soon.

Monday, 25 February 2008


I've trudged london today bought silver and mused on what to make ,perused the jewellery in Topshop , and Liberty's and I feel slightly flat. I need a some inspiration or an early night! It was Greenwich Arts And Crafts Market this week-end and managed to sell all my new pieces so what to do next watch this space!!

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Crystal Ball

This necklace was featured in the Sunday Express just before Christmas.You can still buy this on my website

Monday, 28 January 2008

Grey is the new black?

Take a look at this bracelet with this seasons colours. Snow flake Obsidian is such a good stone to mix with silver.Great accessory to go with hot pinks and lime greens and of course Grey which is featured this season. I love it so did Joe who I made it for . She liked it so much she took this great photo for me. Cheers Joe x Speak soon love Ali x

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

alipatonjewellerygreenwich lauches her jewellery blog

Ali Paton jewellery Greenwich is a jewellery designer who has been trading at Greenwich arts and crafts market for many years.She has just launched her website and now will endeavour to create a useful blog featuring jewellery design, trends and info .Any interest, ideas would be great. Do you like jewellery? wear jewellery ?design jewellery? or just know lots!.Please get involved. Speak soon .
Ali Paton