Thursday, 11 October 2012
Thursday's BIG &BOLD necklace
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Well thought I would and join in with social media and keep my work alive again!Yes I am still in business and to prove it here's something I made earlier.
Made for the Olympics and featured in The Blackheath Guide magazine this summer. Oh Summer ,what Summer and guess what its nearly X*** ssshh!!!!!!!
Monday, 4 April 2011
Hi, i'm back
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
New Year!!
I really must get back in to the swing of working again. It's been a long old winter too much eating drinking to fight the cold at Greenwich market ---- ooh is it cold!!!!New year, New beginnings ,starting with a new Web-site.I am in the process of building a new site.Watch this spot-- Just a sneak preview for you
Keep warm
love Ali x
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Christmas Christmas Christmas!
Thursday, 26 November 2009
A bag of crisps and amethyst chips!
Well its started, Xmas that is and I'm working like a mad dog. Also trying not to eat the entire contents of the fridge!I'm on a diet great time to start eh. I've entered into the strange world of weight watchers. There's something really surreal about lining up to be weighed , discussing how many points in a potato while your head still holds images of amethyst chips and jump links. Any way dying for a bag of crisps and a large glass of red wine the colour of garnet!
Ali x
Monday, 16 November 2009
Drama at Greenwich Market!
Well an eventful Saturday was had by all at Greenwich market. I'd just finished serving a customer at my stall when an almighty bang resounded through the market.The cover to a water tank had been lifted by the wind and headed straight through the roof of the market onto stall and standing people. Luckily no one was badly hurt although an ambulance was called and a young boy was taken to hospital!The market was cleared and we all had to pack up early!I was having a good day too.Joking aside it could have been really serious. There is a definite Xmas buzz building up at Greenwich, people are beginning to put there hand in their pockets for their Xmas presents.Which means I need to start working hard again. It's funny how you chug along nicely and then PANIC! So no trawling the web pretending to research jewellery-- ha --ha -, time to rise to the occasion and do some grafting.What do you think of this.I made this for my lovely friend Debs for her bday.I'm sure she won't mind you taking a sneaky peak.
Love Ali x
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